Minnesota Lawyers Mutual Insurance Company
Insurance, Practice Management |
Website: www.mlmins.com Address: 333 South Seventh Street, Suite 2200 Minneapolis, MN 55402
Primary Contact: Jody Campbell Primary Contact Office Number: 215-872-8026 Primary Contact Email Address: [email protected]
Founded by lawyers in 1982, Minnesota Lawyers Mutual Insurance Company (MLM) provides professional liability insurance and risk management services for the legal community. MLM is committed to being an efficient, accountable and permanent risk management resource, exemplified by an AM Best rating of A (excellent), and a consistent dividend return for the past 35 years. Risk management encompasses the entire range of products and services, including insurance, that are employed to mitigate or remove the danger to lawyers from errors and omissions or other professional risks. Since 1997, MLM has achieved an enviable reputation in Philadelphia and has earned tremendous loyalty from its insureds all while the organization maintained its initial vision: lawyers’ professional liability insurance through a mutual company run by and for the benefit of the policyholders.
Get a fast, no obligation quote, please contact Jody Campbell at 215-872-8026 or [email protected]. Or you can apply online at www.mlmins.com